How does it work?


The training aspect of ABS IN 8 WEEKS works on the “progressive overload” principle which is fundamental to fitness. In a nutshell, when you progressively increase the demands on your body it will adapt to meet those demands, meaning less fat and more muscle.

The system of training works on personal percentages so that everyone can participate. We all have different strength levels, so before commencing ABS IN 8 WEEKS we determine what is referred to as your one rep maximum ([tooltip text=”Your 1RM is simply the amount of weight you can safely lift for 1 rep. Knowing your 1RM allows for the most safe, most effective system to be devised for you, as specific percentages of stress on the body can be calculated (per percentage of your 1RM lifted).”]1RM[/tooltip]). This is the maximum weight you can lift for various exercises and will determine what you lift throughout the program.

Once your 1RM has been established, the ABS IN 8 WEEKS plan is ready to follow! Starting at 50% of a maximum lift in Week One, I will design a programme for you which will increase in intensity throughout a total of eight weeks. The manipulation of weight lifted, reps performed and rest periods taken will ultimately lead to a significant increase in strength, resulting in an increase in lean muscle which in turn creates a heightened metabolic rate. Each week, as you get stronger, you will recruit more muscle fibres which will in turn increase your metabolism. Increased metabolic rate means more calories burnt and more calories burnt means less body fat! It’s so important to train with a purpose – an ultimate goal to strive for with a tried and tested rationale. With ABS IN 8 WEEKS, the time you spend in the gym becomes far more productive, enjoyable and fulfilling!


Eating Plan:

The ABS IN 8 WEEKS eating plan runs side by side with the training plan, and is also specifically designed for you and you alone. This is completely different from almost all the diet books and plans you may have heard of in the past.

You see, most “diets” are not tailored for you – they are ‘one size fits all’ discussions on eating strategy which may or may not help you. How can two completely different people lose weight following the exact same eating plan? The chances are that they can’t – undoubtedly leaving somebody feeling bad about themselves. This is wrong – if you have excess fat to lose, you can lose it!

Depending on your weight, I will determine the amount of carbohydrate, protein and fat you need for Week One, translated into portions of food, e.g. 30g porridge with 50g berries for breakfast (yum). As the plan continues, subtle amounts of calories are reduced creating a calorific deficit from week to week. This enables anybody to successfully follow and see results from the ABS IN 8 WEEKS eating plan, as their programme will be based on their weight and designed specifically for their body.

The ABS IN 8 WEEKS eating plan rejects processed foods and encourages the consumption of all natural foods: foods that grow, graze, swim and fly. This is an eating plan which I have followed myself, developed and improved for the past 20 years and I can’t stress enough the importance of it – I stand firmly by the mantra that “we are what we eat”, and what we deserve to be is lean and healthy! Get Started!

In Summary:

  • ABS IN 8 WEEKS is an 8 week lifestyle experience comprising of an individual bespoke eating plan and an 8 week progressive, tailored training programme.
  • It is specifically designed to reduce body fat and encourage the development of lean muscle.
  • Online support is available along with exercise routines and advice on everything from technique to motivation.

Sign up now to transform your body with the help of your virtual personal trainer and nutritionist – me! Let’s get going.

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